What is Youth Protection?
All uniformed adults and den leaders are required to take youth protection class and adhere to strict rules including two-deep leadership and no one-on-one contact with the Cubs. At the beginning of each year, parents are required to review the book ”How to protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide” which is included in the front of each book.
How much does this cost?
Our registration fee for 2021-2022 was $110 (that includes a T-shirt and the scout book), $90 for new members. Most of that money goes to the national and regional BSA organization. Most of our outings are free. Some outings, such as rock climbing will require small fee. We try to keep the cost as low as possible by raising money with profits from popcorn sales.
Can I drop-off my child at meeting and pick them up at the end?
No. Most activities are designed to be interactive with parent and child. Cub Scouts is designed to be a bond –building program between Cubs and their parents.
When are the meetings?
Pack meetings and den meetings are on Sundays at 1pm at Penn Valley Elementary, in the field closest to Margo Lane. Dens can schedule additional meetings as needed. Den parents are encouraged to get together at the beginning of each year and determine what work best.
What are my responsibilities if I become a den leader?
All den leaders must take the online youth protection class and den specific classes. This will take about an hour of your time. If you are involved in any other youth programs or sports, this training can be very useful.
Other than den leader, is there something else I can do to help?
The most successful dens are the ones with the most involved parents. Organizing one or two den events during the year can make all the difference. Organizing an event can be simple as calling the police department and arranging a tour, for example. Each year we organize a Pinewood Derby, Blue and Gold Dinner, popcorn sales and camping. The more people that volunteer to set up, cook and help out, the better these events are.
Can my other children attend these events?
Yes. With very few exceptions, full family participation is encouraged. Penn Valley Cub Scouts prides itself in being a family scouting pack.
What if we cannot make every meeting?
It is very difficult to make every meeting. Kids have a lot of going on with sports and activities, so we are expect that you and your child might miss some meetings. We are all going through the same things.
Where do we get the uniform?
You can buy the uniform online or visit the Scout Shop in Valley Forge. Lions will only need a Lion cub T shirt, hat, and belt. More information about the official Cub Scout uniform is available here. In addition to the official uniform (which we call the “Class A uniform”), our Pack provides each scout with a Pack 247 yellow t-shirt to use for less formal activities (the “Class B uniform”).
What level does my child start?
All new cubs join the den of their grade. Each year starts new. All new cubs have to earn a Bobcat badge which is their base point for scouting.
Lions will earn their Bobcat badge in First Grade.